Making a difference! a blog about raising money for charities and non-profit organisations, courtesy of Xperedon.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Rathbone Training

United Kingdom

Children & Education
Charity Mission Statement

Rathbone is a UK-wide voluntary youth sector organisation providing opportunities for young people to transform their life-circumstances by re-engaging with learning, discovering their ability to succeed and achieving progression to further education, training and employment.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - AMNESTY: Christmas cards campaign

Amnesty card writing campaign offers hope to human rights victims

Why not send a Xmas card to a victim of a human rights violation in order to bolster their resolve for the coming year?

To read the full article click here

News - AUSTRALIA: Stormtrooper fundraising walk

Star Wars fan nears the end of his epic walk for charity

In a far off galaxy...a charity walk with a difference is gripping Australia...

To read the full article click here

News - XMAS: Safety campaign

Be safe at Xmas says Suzy Lamplugh Trust

A charity dedicated to ensuring public safety whether at work or play has issued a plea to follow sensible safety advice during the holiday season.

To read the full article click here

News - AMY WINEHOUSE: Charity auction

Dress from Back to Black album sells for 43,000 pounds in aid of Amy Winehouse Foundation

A dress worn by Amy Winehouse on her multi-million selling album Back to Black has been sold at auction in London in aid of charity.

To read the full article click here

HUMANITARIAN: Christmas gift

Give a rat a loving family this Christmas

A rat does not spring to mind as the first choice to top the average Christmas present list but according to international mine-clearing charity APOPO it could be one of the best gifts you ever buy.

To read the full article click here

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Foundation for Aged Care


Community & Family
Charity Mission Statement

Motivated by God's love through Christ, we will provide care and service that promotes the well being and enriches the lives of older people.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - TEXT GIVING: Mobile charity giving

Younger digital users embracing mobile charity donations

A forward-looking technology report identifies giving to charity by text messages and online platforms as the common choice of younger charity donators.

To read the full article click here

News - INDIA: Health campaign

Anti-spitting movement calls on divine intervention to save bridge from erosion

In an unusual move an anti-spitting campaign is calling on higher powers to help save an iconic bridge from destruction.

To read the full article click here

News - DOGS: Bull terriers

Battersea Dogs Home says don't demonise dogs tackle bad owners

Britain needs to tackle its obsession with status bull terrier dogs, but in a way which sanctions the owner, not the dogs, explains Battersea Dogs Home communications chief, Dee McIntosh.

To read the full article click here

News - SPAIN: Adoption scandal

Nationwide march for truth for Spain's stolen children

A Spanish NGO is planning a nationwide march in December to step up the search for truth in Spain's shocking stolen children scandal.

To read the full article click here

News - LEISURE: Charity sport campaign

Charity calls on free sports facilities for all youngsters

A UK charity is launching a campaign to provide free sporting facilities for all young people.

To read the full article click here

Monday, November 28, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Foundation Fighting Blindness

United States

Health & Medical
Charity Mission Statement

The urgent mission of the Foundation Fighting Blindness, Inc. is to drive the research that will provide preventions, treatments and cures for people affected by retinitis pigmentosa (RP), macular degeneration, Usher syndrome, and the entire spectrum of retinal degenerative diseases.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - ICAP: Charity day

Global financial firm sets its sights on multi-million fundraising day

Traders at one of London's leading city trading institutions are getting set for their annual trade for charity day on December 7.

To read the full article click here

News - CHINA: Save the tiger

Call for an end to the Chinese tiger trade

A campaign to end the trade of tigers in China is gathering impetus as members of the public, celebs, and animal welfare charities climb on board.

To read the full article click here

News - TRANSLATION: Translators Without Borders

A charity offering free translations for humanitarian organisations is seeking to expand its vital services

An innovative charity which offers voluntary translator services for humanitarian orgs is seeking to expand, and provide its important work to an increasing number of charities in the fields of health, nutrition and education explains its co-founder Lori Thicke.

To read the full article click here

News - COLDPLAY: UK charity gigs

Sensitive rockers make commitment to charity for winter gigs 2011

Love their music or not you cannot question their commitment to good causes.

To read the full article click here

News - OAP CHARITIES: Elderly care crisis

Charities call for urgent shake up of care for the elderly

UK charities are calling on a comprehensive overhaul of care for the elderly following a series of damning reports.

To read the full article click here

Friday, November 25, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Jewish National Fund of Australia


Ethnic & Religion
Charity Mission Statement

To develop a sustainable environment in Israel by continuing and enhancing the historic partnership of all the Jewish people with the land.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - X FACTOR: Charity dispute

Positive ending for music charity as X Factor company settles trademark legal bill

A music charity is celebrating its trademark dispute victory over the X Factor company Syco by going back to its day to day work helping youngsters develop music skills.

To read the full article click here

News - SOUTH AFRICA: Climate change talks

NGOs call for action as leaders prepare for crucial UN climate change conference in Durban

Environmental charities are calling on world leaders to get tough on climate change during their UN conference in Durban.

To read the full article click here

News - LONDON: Xmas charity events

Super charity entertainments to choose from during Xmas countdown

With Xmas ever closer party goers in the capital are being offered an increasingly rich menu of live entertainments for good causes.

To read the full article click here

News - INDIA: SOS Children's Villages

Children's charity issues annual sponsorship appeal to help Indian children

Why not sponsor a child in India this Christmas?

To read the full article click here

News - BEAT BULLYING: Big March

Supporters gather to support anti-bullying charity's Internet human rights march

More than 140,000 people have already signed up for a charity's global Internet campaign which wants to see bullying recognised in the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child.

To read the full article click here

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Charity Spotlight: The Friedkin Conservation Fund - FCF


Charity Mission Statement

To provide proactive assistance to the Government and the people of Tanzania with their efforts to conserve and preserve their Protected Area network.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - FOIE GRAS: Celebrity campaigners

Celebrities back Peta's say no to Foie Gras campaign

A Peta supporter has paid tribute to the growing number of celebrities backing the animal welfare charity's anti-Foie Gras campaign.

To read the full article click here

News - NEW ZEALAND: National Jandal Day

Lifeguards say wear your flip flops with pride

New Zealanders are getting ready to head to the beach and fire up the barbecue in aid of one of the nation's best loved charities.

To read the full article click here

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Action Against Hunger


Research & Development
Charity Mission Statement

Our mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection and treatment of malnutrition, especially during and after emergency situations of conflict, war and natural disaster.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - UK DOG LAW: E-petition launched

Historic campaign calls for better dog protection legislation

Time to tackle ineffective dog laws say leading animal welfare charities.

To read the full article click here

News - AFGHANISTAN: Drought crisis

Humanitarian charities urge support for Afghans facing long hard winter

International charities are springing into action as millions of Afghans face food shortages made worse due to drought and the prospect of a freezing winter...

To read the full article click here

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Charity Spotlight: St Anthony's Family Care


Community & Family
Charity Mission Statement

St Anthony's Family Care exists to carry on the work of Mary MacKillop in caring for children and families in need.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - LADY GAGA: Trevor Project

Gay welfare charity honours Lady Gaga with its hero award

Lady Gaga is the biggest-selling artist of the digital age, an outrageous performer and also one of the pop world's most passionate advocates of gay rights.

To read the full article click here

News - CONSUMERISM: Buy Nothing Day

A non-profit org wants you to celebrate the joys of not spending

Are you addicted to spending?

To read the full article click here

Monday, November 21, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice


Charity Mission Statement

To put justice and equity at the heart of responses to climate change, particularly those concerned with how best to respond and adapt to the challenge that it poses for the poorest and most vulnerable peoples of the world.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - CHILDREN: World Day of Prayer

Spiritual leaders pray for children's safety and welfare...

Faith leaders and supporters joined in a world day of prayer for children on Sunday and now the prayers look set to continue.

To read the full article click here

News - RACISM: Sepp Blatter

Anti-racism charity questions Blatter's position

Pressure is building on FIFA Chief Sepp Blatter to resign following his unguarded comments about racist language on the football pitch.

To read the full article click here

Friday, November 18, 2011

News - CASE STUDY: International Alert campaign

Charity YouTube marketing - ask for money or get creative?

Should charities appeal direct to viewers or sow the seeds of discussion?

To read the full article click here

Charity Spotlight: Orchid

United Kingdom

Research & Development
Charity Mission Statement

To save men's lives from testicular, prostate and penile cancers through pioneering research and promoting awareness.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - RHYTHMIX: X Factor campaign

British MPs sign up for charity's Cowell Must Pay campaign

A music charity's appeal to X Factor boss Simon Cowell to have its legal fees paid has received cross-party backing from members of the UK parliament.

To read the full article click here

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Charity Spotlight: The Seeing Eye

United States

Charity Mission Statement

To enhance blind people independence, dignity, and self-confidence through the use of Seeing Eye dogs.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - SOMALIA: Humanitarian crisis

How do international orgs resolve the problems of Somalia?

Relief agencies are expressing concerns about a rise in civilian casualties across Somalia, what can be done?

To read the full article click here

News - BULLYING: Help and advice

The charity Beatbullying is determined to defeat the scourge of bullying, explains their deputy CEO...

As anti-bullying week draws to a close Richard Piggin of the UK charity Beatbullying explains why the issue needs to be kept high on everyone's agenda. The reason being that bullying is not just a problem limited to name calling in the playground but one that is widespread, takes many forms, and can have terrible long-term consequences...

To read the full article click here

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Charity Spotlight: The Landirani Trust

United Kingdom

Children & Education
Charity Mission Statement

Promote educational facilities for all children in the community and enhance the ability of the community to become self-sufficient.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - WIKIMEDIA: Annual fundraiser

Did you know that Wikipedia is a charity?

Did you know that Wikipedia is a non-profit group and run totally by charitable donations?

To read the full article click here

News - FESTIVALS: Environmental policy

Festival goers may be looking forward to a greener future if a UK environmental group gets its wish

Everyone who has been to a festival will recognise the rich smell of diesel from the generator equipment.

To read the full article click here

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Charity Spotlight: SEACOLOGY

United States

Charity Mission Statement

Seacology searches for situations where both the local environment is protected and islanders receive some tangible benefit for doing so.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - JO BRAND: Suzy Lamplugh Trust

Comedienne compering awards evening for personal safety charity...

Comedian Jo Brand will be the special guest at a charity fundraising and awards gala celebrating 25 years of the Suzy Lamplugh Trust.

To read the full article click here

News - COWELL MUST PAY: Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry joins celebrities supporting music charity's Cowell Must Pay campaign

Stephen Fry has Tweeted his support in favour of a small music charity's online campaign to recoup its legal fees.

To read the full article click here

Monday, November 14, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Parramatta Mission


Community & Family
Charity Mission Statement

To support the homeless and those facing crisis and mental illness in Sydney's West and Hills District.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - SOCIAL MEDIA: For charities

Charities connecting via social media achieve bigger successes online

Is your charity occupying the social media landscape? A new report concludes if not then it should be.

To read the full article click here

News - CHRISTMAS: Domestic violence

Women's Aid issues pre-Christmas plea to help women and children

A women's charity is urging victims and perpetrators of domestic violence to seek help during the run up to Christmas.

To read the full article click here

Friday, November 11, 2011

Charity Spotlight: No Sweat

United Kingdom

Human Rights
Charity Mission Statement

To build common, united, campaigning action against exploitation and the sweatshop bosses.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - RHYTHMIX: Charity trademark victory

Simon Cowell bows to social media pressure from small UK charity

A small Brighton-based music charity has won its latest social media battle forcing X Factor mogul Simon Cowell to back down over a trademark dispute…

To read the full article click here

News - FOIE GRAS: Fortnum and Mason

Charity worker changes her name to website title to campaign against Foie Gras

An animal welfare activist has legally changed her name to a website URL in order to back a campaign against Foie Gras.

To read the full article click here

Thursday, November 10, 2011

News - X FACTOR: Rhythmix trademark dispute

Charity launches X Factor campaign take two

The Rhythmix musical charity has reignited its war of words with Simon Cowell and his X Factor franchise, over ownership of the Rhythmix name...

To read the full article click here

Charity Spotlight: Foundation for Hearing Research

United States

Charity Mission Statement

To providing a model of excellence in auditory oral education.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - POPPY APPEAL: Royal British Legion

Football, FIFA & the fallen...

The Royal British Legion is celebrating following a ruling from FIFA to allow the English national football team to wear the charity's poppy crests with pride this Saturday.

To read the full article click here

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Washington National Opera

United States

Arts & Culture
Charity Mission Statement

Washington National opera creates seasons of excitement by balancing popular grand opera with new or less frequently performed works. Through its extensive opera education outreach program and the Domingo-Cafritz Young Artist Program, the company reaches new audiences and develops the careers of young singers.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - BEAT BULLYING: The Big March

UK anti-bullying charity scoops digital marketing award

A British anti-bullying charity is celebrating the success of a global marketing award.

To read the full article click here

News - MICHAEL JACKSON: Final charity wish

Michael Jackson's children's hospital dream

With the latest troubled episode related to Michael Jackson having reached a close what will be the legacy now for the singer?

To read the full article click here

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

News - ITALY: Silvio Berlusconi

Economic and political crisis, what next for the Italian leader who confuses sexism with charity?

As Italy faces increased economic uncertainty and calls for its leader, Silvio Berlusconi, to resign over the state of the Italian economy… for many the central question marks that remain are about Berlusconi's attitudes to women.

To read the full article click here

Charity Spotlight: UICC


Health & Medical
Charity Mission Statement

To eliminate cancer as a life-threatening disease for future generations.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - OVERVIEW: Charity giving

The benefits of generosity

What makes some people live to give? How much do we know about the impact on giving for the giver?

To read the full article click here


Send rioters to Africa, says humanitarian charity

An international charity is offering rioters a chance to learn about real hardship and a sense of community via a volunteer programme in Africa.

To read the full article click here

News - JOE FRAZIER: Hospice care

Boxing legend's condition was a powerful reminder of the importance of hospice care.

The news that American boxing icon Joe Frazier has died from cancer has led to shockwaves of emotion through the world of professional sport…

To read the full article click here

Monday, November 7, 2011

Charity Spotlight: International Youth Foundation

United States

Children & Education
Charity Mission Statement

IYF prepares young people to be healthy, productive and engaged citizens.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - BBC APPEAL: Children In Need

BBC announces biggest ever celebrity line-up for its fundraising appeal

Kylie Minogue and James Bond are set to join in the fun as part of charity fundraising telethon Children in Need.

To read the full article click here

News - ANIMAL WELFARE: Bonfire Night fireworks

Celebrations or harmful for animals?

With Bonfire Night behind us but firework displays up and around the country still continuing, it's clear that fireworks are becoming an extended problem for animal lovers in the UK...

To read the full article click here

Friday, November 4, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Beads for Education

United States

Research & Development
Charity Mission Statement

To improve the status of women in Kenya, Africa, through girl's education and women's business development.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - SPAIN: Human rights

Shocking stolen children scandal

An NGO is fighting to uncover the truth about a series of alleged stolen babies across Spain, and is determined not to give up until answers are found...

To read the full article click here

News - POPULATION: Ideas and solutions

Global population explosion requires global remedies

The statistic of 7 billion released early this week via a UN report comes as the world faces severe and mounting humanitarian and development challenges.

To read the full article click here

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Abbeyfield House Society Of High River


Community & Family
Charity Mission Statement

To provide accommodation and companionship for the lonely older people within the areas of High River.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - MANCHESTER: We Love Manchester

Charity launched to tackle inner city problems following UK riots

Manchester United sports stars are amongst those lining up to support the launch of a post-riot charity...

To read the full article click here

News - ENVIRONMENT: Climate change

Tackling climate change major development priority

Climate change the big challenge for development says UN report...

To read the full article click here

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Magic Bus


Children & Education
Charity Mission Statement

Empowering children and youth with positive experiences to discover and develop through sport.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

FOIE GRAS: Campaign success

Ocado backs PETA's call to end Foie Gras sales.

Supermarket says no to the delicacy of despair...

To read the full article click here

News - YOUTUBE: Charity marketing online

Video media report reveals glaring opportunities for charities.

Research into online habits suggests more charities should take up YouTube marketing...

To read the full article click here

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Four Paws Netherlands


Animals & Wildlife
Charity Mission Statement

To help mistreated animals - regardless of whether this be for economic, scientific or other purposes - to a life that corresponds to the requirements of the species.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - OLYMPICS: Charity partnerships

Deadline for Olympic Games Inspire Programme

Last chance for small charity involvement in the London 2012 Olympics...

To read the full article click here

News - ANIMAL CRUELTY: Surveillance campaign

Animal rights group hire private eyes...

The tables are set to be turned on those involved in illegal fox hunts.

To read the full article click here