Making a difference! a blog about raising money for charities and non-profit organisations, courtesy of Xperedon.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Dreams Take Flight


Children & Education
Charity Mission Statement

To provide the trip of a lifetime to physically, mentally or socially challenged children.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

GERMANY: Prince Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson son appears at Berlin charity event

Michael Jackson's son Prince Michael has impressed onlookers at a gala event in Berlin for the children's charity, Tribute to Bambi.
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News - HEALTH: Charity iPhone apps

Growth in iPhone apps for health

More and more health charities are making sure they are involved in offering handy information and services via the portable iPhone system.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Sunseed Desert Technology


Charity Mission Statement

To provide visitors with an experience of low impact living in a community setting.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - PAKISTAN: Floods response 2011

Greater efforts underway to save lives

AID agencies are stepping up their campaigns to respond to the Pakistan floods crisis after warnings that too little was being done too late.
To read the full article click here

News - INTERNET: Young people

Charity concerns over Internet safety

Would you give your child under ten years old a smartphone?
To read the full article click here

Monday, September 19, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Great Baikal Trail


Charity Mission Statement

To promote local sustainable development through low-impact eco-tourism.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - KENYA: Charity helps herders

ADRA brings hope to remote Kenyan herding community

Adventist charity ADRA is launching a humanitarian mission to support rural pastoralists in a remote corner of Kenya.

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News - WORLD: Gay rights charity

Backing for new global gay rights charity continues to build

Support for ground-breaking gay rights charity Kaleidoscope has grown in just a few days with the help of a number of celebrity backers.

To read the full article click here

Friday, September 16, 2011

Charity Spotlight: A Child's Voice Foundation


Children & Education
Charity Mission Statement

Our mission is to support and enhance the physical and emotional well-being of these children by providing products and services not otherwise provided by levels of government, insurance or other organizations.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

COLOMBIA: Bill Clinton Foundation

Major financial investment for SME initiated by Clinton charity

Generating small and medium sized business growth is crucial in developing a sustainable societal solution to combat poverty in developing countries.

To read the full article click here

News - UNITED STATES: Henry Winkler OBE

The Fonz receives special award from the Queen

Henry Winkler aka the Fonz has been honoured for his work for British children with learning difficulties by Her Majesty The Queen.

To read the full article click here

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Charity Spotlight: My Stuff Bags Foundation

United States

Children & Education
Charity Mission Statement

The My Stuff Bags Foundation's mission is to provide powerful advocacy on behalf of abused, abandoned and neglected children across the United States. The Foundation rallies widespread individual and corporate involvement through its unique program to address the needs of these children and support the organizations caring for them.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - UNITED KINGDOM: Child wellbeing

UNICEF calls for a halt on mindless consumerism aimed at children

A UNICEF report claims compulsive consumerism is invading British family life and affecting the wellbeing of children.

To read the full article click here

News - HEALTH: Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse Foundation launch

The Amy Winehouse Foundation has been launched to raise funds for the singer's favourite causes.

To read the full article click here

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Sea & Learn On Saba


Charity Mission Statement

To reinforce the importance of protecting nature and educate the potential safe-keepers in order to sustain viability of Saba's eco-tourism product and other environments throughout the world.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - FUNDRAISING: Roald Dahl day

Roald Dahl children's charity dressing up day

Why not dress up as an enormous crocodile?

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News - ENVIRONMENT: Ark Royal reef

Plans to sink aircraft carrier and create artificial reef

It's full steam ahead for a charity's plans to sink a famous navy vessel.

To read the full article click here

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Trees for Life

United States

Research & Development
Charity Mission Statement

To create a few demonstrable models that, if successful, may inspire others to solve their own problems.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - WORLD: Charity legacy day

First international charity legacy day

If you could choose a charity to be a beneficiary of your will which one would it be?

To read the full article click here

News - IRELAND: Youth environmentalist awards

Charity awards for Irish eco-youth

A call to arms has been sent out to Irish youth to create innovative environmental campaigns.

To read the full article click here

Monday, September 12, 2011

Charity Spotlight: African Pikin Foundation


Children & Education
Charity Mission Statement

To provide the children of Sierra Leone with the financial aid needed to gain an education so that they may take charge of their future.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - UNITED STATES: Food insecurity

Minorities most at risk of hunger, says US Govt report

Millions of Americans cannot afford enough to eat with minority groups bearing the brunt of the food crisis.
To read the full article click here

News - EAST AFRICA: Record donations

Bolder efforts required as crisis deepens

Despite record-breaking donations to ease the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa, the numbers of people facing starvation is increasing.

To read the full article click here

Friday, September 9, 2011

Charity Spotlight: The Advocates for Human Rights

United States

Human Rights
Charity Mission Statement

The mission of The Advocates for Human Rights is to implement international human rights standards in order to promote civil society and reinforce the rule of law. By involving volunteers in research, education, and advocacy, we build broad constituencies in the United States and select global communities.
To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - UNITED KINGDOM: Charity shopping online

More charities take to e-commerce to boost sales

New research from the Charity Retail Association (CRA) shows charities are increasingly expanding their shop departments online to increase sales.

To read the full article click here

News - UNITED STATES: Soldier support

Red Cross initiative to support military families

The post-cold war military age has created a very different set of circumstances for soldiers.

To read the full article click here

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Adopt-a dog save-a-life Inc.


Animals & Wildlife
Charity Mission Statement

Dedicated to saving abandoned dogs and placing them in loving and caring homes in Toronto and Southern Ontario,Canada.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - UNITED KINGDOM: OAP campaign

Get knitting to help others says Age UK

Whether it's a beanie hat or a bobble hat or a cardigan or a pair of socks, knitting is a super way to help others stay warm this winter.

To read the full article click here

News - ANIMAL WELFARE: Horse charities

RSPCA calls for action to stop cruelty to horses

A rising number of cruelty cases involving horses are placing a strain on animal and equine welfare charities.

To read the full article click here

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Boys Town Jerusalem Foundation of America

United States


Children & Education
Charity Mission Statement

Founded in response to the Holocaust, and dedicated to providing an outstanding education for Israeli children, regardless of race, class or socio-economic background.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - PAKISTAN: Fresh flooding crisis

NGOs respond to monsoon floods

Barely recovered from the flooding of 2010 Pakistan has been hit by a fresh flood disaster which has already claimed dozens of lives.

To read the full article click here

News - FRANCE: Poverty and exclusion

Welfare charities express concern at French economic situation

Recent statistics by INSEE - the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies - indicate rising deprivation in France.

To read the full article click here

Monday, September 5, 2011

Charity Spotlight: The Henry Ford

United States

Arts & Culture
Charity Mission Statement

With a rich and diverse offering of exhibits, demonstrations, programs and reenactments, The Henry Ford celebrates yesterday's traditions as well as today's innovations.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - HEALTH: Tinnitus appeal

Charity backed research close to finding cure for rock star's 'disease'

Campaigners at a UK charity are launching a major appeal to tackle the growing problem of tinnitus.

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News - LONDON: Charity swim

David Walliams Thames marathon swim for charity

It's definitely no laughing matter as comedian David Walliams embarks on a hazardous swimming marathon up the River Thames in aid of Sport Relief.
To read the full article click here

Friday, September 2, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Compassion Australia


Research & Development
Charity Mission Statement

To challenge, partner and equip the Church to release children from spiritual, economic, social, physical and emotional poverty in Jesus' name.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - NEW YORK: Terminal illness charity

NEW YORK: Terminal illness charity

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick are hosting a charity treasure hunt for Friends In Deed, a New York charity supporting people with terminal illnesses.

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News - UNITED KINGDOM: Children's charity

Prince Harry pays tribute to children's charity

Prince Harry has presented awards to brave children including the severely disabled at a ceremony in London's West End.

To read the full article click here

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Charity Spotlight: Canadian Lifeboat Institution


Community & Family
Charity Mission Statement

To promote water safety and to preserve life and property on the territorial seas and inland waters of Canada.

To donate and read the full charity profile, click here

News - CONGO: Charity CD

Damon Albarn heads up charity release for Oxfam

Damon Albarn is releasing a charity album featuring Congolese musicians to raise awareness for Oxfam’s campaign in the Congo.

To read the full article click here

News - LIBYA: Humanitarian aid

International effort underway to prevent humanitarian disaster

Financial aid and support for the people of Libya is being made to support a peaceful transition and prevent a humanitarian disaster.
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